Recent Research Publications

In Computer Science, the reputation of conferences often exceeds the reputation of journals, with strict peer-review guidelines and a typical acceptance rate of 20% of submitted papers. Below is a list of conferences I was involved in as author, keynote speaker, editor or PC member. The list includes abbreviations, full name, a description, and Impact factors or CORE conference ratings[^8] given in parentheses. The highest rating (A*) is awarded to only 7% of conference venues. The ratings are based on acceptance rate, H-index of program committee and H-index of researchers publishing at these venues.

List of conferences I participate in, the communities they address, and CORE conference ratings.

It is customary in my field that the first author is the main contibuting student, while the last author is the senior author who is funding the student. To be more precise, I annotate my role in publication preparation as follows:


Advisor to UNH students who are first authors.

External Advisor:

Advisor to external students who are first authors.rformed.


Primary author of a paper based on work performed independent of students.


Coauthor with equal contribution of a paper based on work of external students or collaborators.


Collaborator/coauthor on a paper primarily written by external students or collaborators.

c) Refereed Articles

The following papers were published or accepted during my tenure period. Additional publications are listed on the CV.

Conference, Workshop, and Journal publications:

Please click on the pdf link for the fulltext publication.

Series on EXAM/Rubric-based evaluation for retrieve / generate systems:

Series on using LLMs for Evaluation, debating various forms of theoretical issues:

Series on using wikipedia entities for information retrieval systems.

Peer-reviewed workshop publications:

In my research field, all proposals for workshops, tutorials, and special issues are peer-reviewed and selective.

Organized workshops and conference tutorials:

Organized evaluation tracks:

Organizers of evaluation tracks (which are accepted through peer review), are invited to write one overview paper per year.

e) Miscellaneous Publications

Trade Publication:

Additionally, I contributed Section 7 on “Generated Information Objects” to the strategic report in IR. The SWIRL tradition is to anonymize individual contributions in the overall report.

Notebook papers:

We published non-peer-reviewed TREC notebook papers describing the systems we contributed to the shared tasks, as is customary for the TREC conference.

Publications before joining UNH: