Web Service Performance

Student: Kevin J. Ma
Faculty: Radim Bartoš


In this project we investigated the suitability of SOAP based Web Services for bandwidth constrainted applications. Specifically, we examined SNMP and the performance impact of migrating from its existing binary format to an XML-based service architecture. The most obvious performace impacts are increased data size and the processing cost of SSL security. Network and server infrastructure, however, have evolved to mitigate these impacts through different types of offload hardware. We extended our investigation to examine the mitigative capacity of such devices. Continuing along these lines, we would like to combine these two tracks to gather a system-wide view of our SNMP Web Service migration. Additionally, given the hierarchical nature of SNMP MIB data, a RESTful interface might provide a more natural abstraction, for a Web Service interface. While SOAP encapsulation provides a more traditional analogue to packetization, the resource oriented REST paradigm may be more suitable for SNMP. We would like to compare the performance characteristics of SOAP and REST for our SNMP application.


  • K. J. Ma and R. Bartoš, ``Analysis of Transport Optimization Techniques,'' Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), Chicago, IL, pp. 611-618, September 2006. [PDF 1.1M]
  • K. J. Ma and R. Bartoš, ``Performance Impact of Web Service Migration in Embedded Environments,'' Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), Vol II, pp. 409-416, Orlando, FL, July 2005. [PDF 242k]
  • K. J. Ma, "Web Services: What's Real and What's Not?," IEEEE IT Professional, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 14-21, Mar./Apr. 2005, [doi:10.1109/MITP.2005.47]