#!/bin/csh # Wheeler Ruml's .login file. Should work on any OS. # Executed by tcsh after .cshrc, and only if the shell is a login # shell # Should contain commands that are run only at login time or # that set variables automatically exported to child processes #---- other shell settings #---- environment variables - exported to children setenv EDITOR emacs setenv VISUAL emacs setenv EMACS emacs setenv PAGER less # options for less - case insensitive,verbose, comnpress blanks setenv LESS "-iMsb20" # NOTE: final ':' in path is important! setenv TEXINPUTS .:~/lib/tex/unhletter:~/lib/tex/fullname:~/lib/tex:~/lib/tex/xcolor: setenv DVIPSHEADERS ~/lib/tex/pstricks/dvips: setenv BSTINPUTS :.:~/lib/tex:~/lib/tex/fullname: setenv BIBINPUTS :.:~/library/notes: setenv INFOPATH ~/lib/emacs/info: setenv OCAMLRUNPARAM b #---- greet user echo -n "Logged in to $HOST ($HOSTTYPE) on " date if ($OSTYPE == "solaris") then from endif # EOF - .login