

% Let the printer compute the primes...

/max 10000 def % primes from 2 to max

% Paper size (letter)
/paperx 8.5 72 mul def
/papery 11  72 mul def
/marginx .5 72 mul def
/marginy marginx def
/fsize 9 def % font size
/Courrier-bold findfont fsize scalefont setfont % assume fixed font

/n 1 def
/max max 1 max 2 mod sub sub def % max is now odd
/lmax max log ceiling cvi def
/buf lmax string def
/nb paperx marginx 2 mul sub (0) stringwidth pop lmax 1 add mul dup /tmp exch def div floor cvi dup 10 gt {dup 10 mod sub} if def % number of primes per line

/x0 paperx tmp nb mul sub 2 div def
/y0 papery marginy sub fsize sub def
/y y0 def

/aff {
  dup log ceiling cvi lmax exch sub {( ) show} repeat
  buf cvs show
  ( ) show
} bind def
x0 y moveto

2 aff
3 2 max {
  /prime? true def
  dup sqrt 3 exch 2 exch {
    2 copy mod exch pop 0 eq {
      /prime? false def
    } if
  } for
  prime? {
    /n n 1 add def
    n nb eq {
      /n 0 def
      /y y fsize sub def
      y marginy lt {
        /y y0 def
      } if
      x0 y moveto
    } if
  } if
} for
